Archive | November, 2014

Rice and Bean Nests

4 Nov

My husband keeps asking me to make this dish (and for the recipe so that he can make it for himself), so here it is!  Works as well for breakfast as it does for dinner.  Super quick and delicious.  Serve with a salad.  Mmmmm.

– 2 cups cooked short grain brown rice
– A can of pinto beans, drained and rinsed
– 1/2 cup chopped onion
– Chipotle chili powder (1 teaspoon, or more for more heat)
– Four eggs

– Saute the onions until golden in a bit of olive oil in a frying pan
– Add beans and chili powder, stir
– Add rice and stir until combined
– Create four holes in the rice mixture with a spoon, so that you can see the bottom of the pan
– Crack an egg into each hole
– Cover the pan with a pot lid and cook until the eggs are how you like them (runny on the inside for me, please!)
– Add salt and ground pepper to taste

To serve the “nests,” scoop out the eggs along with the rice mixture that is now stuck to them. Best served hot!
